Spend all day semi-concentrating on life because I’m tired. Decide not to watch to the end of the film I started watching so I can get an early night. Make hot water bottle and go upstairs. Get ready for bed. Get all the stuff off my bed that has accumulated over the past 14 hours. Get into bed. Waste a bit of time on facebook because I don’t like the awkwardness of facebook not being the last thing I think about. Turn off laptop. Plug charger into phone. Turn off lamp. Shut eyes. Oh shit I need to set an alarm. Lamp on. Set alarm for what seems like not enough hours away. Lamp off. Shut eyes. Sleep. Oh wait. No just one more thought, I mustn’t forget tomorrow I need email the joint honours department. But before I do that I actually have to email my personal tutor and ask that question that seemed so relevant at the time but that I’ve now forgotten. And then tomorrow is my last day before my exam so I have loads of work to do. Don’t think about that now, just sleep and worry about it in the morning. But I mustn’t forget to look up that quote that I really need to remember for my exam. Thinking about it, I should probably look up all the quotes that I really need to remember for my exam. Maybe I’ll make a quick to do list. Lamp on. Exercise my incredible capacity to plan my day minute by minute. Eyes accustom to light. Feel awake again. Send a quick text. Wait for response but decide that actually it’s not worth it. Turn out light. Eyes can’t shut. Lying in fear of falling asleep and then being woken up by text. Put phone on silent. Eyes can’t shut. Eyes stuck focusing on phone waiting for red light to flash. Don’t be silly, just go to sleep. Roll over. Have a quick check of phone every 5 mins or so. Thinking all the stupid thoughts everyone thinks when it’s nighttime and you know you don’t really have to worry about them. But then start to worry about them. Then hear a noise. Think of all the possible scenarios the noise could have arisen from. Decide there’s probably someone living under my bed. Hide entire body under duvet and try not to breathe noisily. Get really hot and realize I’m being stupid. Emerge and roll over. Just drifting into much needed sleep. Feel eyes shutting blissfully. See a red flash out of the corner of my eye.